Articles and papers

6. Barbieri L.(2024) " What CARMELO can observe", eMeteorNews, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 241-248

The CARMELO (Cheap Amateur Radio Meteor Echoes LOgger) network made of cheap and homemade receivers created so far, although small, shows the potential of this innovative project in the field of meteor observation using the meteor scatter method. The system measures and represents waveforms and frequency of every single meteor echo received in a way never seen before by any amateur observer. This article describes some types of waveforms displayed by the system and analyses, if present, the head echo, highlighting its Doppler shift. A possible methodology for calculating the speed of the meteor as a function of the distance travelled by the radio echo is also described. It also shows the overlap of the measurements carried out on the same event by different observers by recording the temporal sequence and hypothesizes a method for calculating the meteor speed starting from the delay times recorded by each individual observation. (read PDF full article)

5. Barbieri L., Brando G., Fontana P. & Sarto S. (2023) " First steps of the CARMELO network (Cheap Amateur Radio Meteors Echoes LOgger)", eMeteorNews, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 53-58

The CARMELO network project, after a year of uninterrupted activity, proved to be reliable and gave us a glimpse of an unpredictable result: the reconstruction of meteor trajectories. After an analysis of the current situation and the models, the first results are shown, especially on simultaneous registrations. These radio recordings, compared with the optical counterpart, demonstrate how much the CARMELO instrument can be exploited for trajectory reconstruction. Finally, the construction of a “local” network linked to its own transmitter is proposed, a solution to overcome the limits imposed by the GRAVES radar. (read PDF full article)

4. Barbieri L. (2023) " The 2023 Quadrantidis"

We present the report on the radio observation of the Quadrantids shower recorded by the CARMELO (Cheap Amateur Radio Meteor Echoes LOgger) network. As in the observations made in previous years, a complex structure is confirmed in which two secondary filaments are evident, before and after the main shower, the second of which appears to be composed of larger mass meteoroids. (read PDF full article)

3. Barbieri L. (2023) " Le Quadrantidi del 2023"

Presentiamo il report sull’osservazione radio dello sciame delle Quadrantidi registrato dal network di CARMELO (Cheap Amatorial Radio Meteor Echoes LOgger). Come nelle osservazioni compiute in anni precedenti si conferma una struttura complessa in cui sono evidenti, prima e dopo lo sciame principale, due filamenti secondari, il secondo dei quali appare composto di meteoroidi di massa maggiore. (read PDF full article)

2. Barbieri L., Brando G. (2022) " A global network for radio meteors observers".eMeteorNews, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 34-45

Radio meteor observations have been practiced by few observers in the amateur community using different and sometimes complicated techniques. Based on the experience with RAMBo, the authors have created a device using SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology which measures and records the main physical parameters of the radio meteors by analyzing the meteor radio echoes. The low cost combined with the simplicity of the construction and management makes it suitable for the creation of a global network of receiving stations capable of producing coherent observational data which can be analyzed to study meteor shower activity. (read PDF full article) (read HTML article)

1. Barbieri L., Brando G. (2021) " A global network for radio meteors listeners". WGN, Journal of the IMO, vol. 49, no. 4, p. 102-111